Do You Have a Bias Against People Who Use Light Themes in Their Code Editors?

Well, you shouldn’t 😎.

Beyond personal taste and the visual comfort dark themes can provide, there are situations where using a light theme is more than just a preference; it’s a necessity. Perhaps the most obvious case is for people with visual impairments (low vision).

In my work as a professor, I’ve found another situation where a light theme becomes essential. Almost always, during my programming classes, I display code on a projector against one of those white canvas screens. With a dark theme, the background overwhelms the text to the point where the letters become blurry and, in some cases, nearly disappear, making it frequently unreadable.

This led me to switch to a light theme. When I couldn’t find one that suited my needs and preferences, I ended up developing the Berry Latte Light theme for Visual Studio Code, available in the editor’s marketplace.

Screenshot of a Visual Studio Code window with the Berry Latte Light theme, showing a sample JavaScript code
Screenshot of a Visual Studio Code window with the Berry Latte Light theme, showing a sample JavaScript code

If you like the theme, you can install it directly in Visual Studio Code through the Extensions button.

Happy coding!

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